NPR Uses Deficits to Distract From Serious Economic Issues
NPR warns listeners that “the federal government is still adding to its overall debt”–even though the economy could actually benefit from increased deficit spending. Billionaire Pete Peterson spends a...
View ArticleNYT Suggests Sanders Is ‘Unelectable’ for Siding With Majority on Tax Hikes...
The New York Times reports that Bernie Sanders is drawing large crowds in Iowa–but warns that Iowans may find him “unelectable.” Reporting on the large crowds attracted by Sen. Bernie Sanders’...
View ArticleThe Mass Surveillance of US Public Continues as USA Today Declares It Ended
USA Today (6/3/15) had a five-column headline across the top of its front page: NSA Data Collection Ended That would be odd, since the National Security Agency exists to collect data; it’s unlikely...
View ArticleSoundbites July/August 2015
‘American Life,’ From GOP to CIA CIA chief John Brennan (left), GOP politician Jeb Bush—to CBS, this represents “all segments of American life.” (CBS/Meet the Press) Bob Schieffer kicked off his...
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